Some of you might be previous users of nexus devices. Some ios users. Some who use a phone and doesn't think about its nitty grittys. But there is one thing that makes you wonder when you come to know about the Google Pixel devices. It's exorbitant price. Previous nexus users waiting for an upgrade were the most irritated by its launch. Nexus was the value for money devices made by top manufacturers under critical google scrutiny. They were good enough for everything and the prices were lower than similarly specced rivals and like icing on top, you get a clean bloatfree OS with regular updates. But then came Pixel. A google branded phone with everything the nexus offered and some more. But the price is up there with the iPhones and Galaxys. Why?
iPhonee users might be thinking. What is wrong with google. It's their first phone and its priced like an iPhone.What is so special in it. It doesn't even run on IOS!! (Sarcasm)
The answer is simple. It's worth more than the sum of its parts. the camera is one of the best in any smartphone till date.
The camera is one of the best in any smartphone till date
The hardware is a top of the line setup yet it gives much better photos than other devices. The trick here is called HDR+. A computational photography technique developed by Google. Instead of taking a long exposure single shot with optical stabilisation. It takes multiple shots with low exposure and blends all of them together to make a single well exposed shot. The approach is similar to the good old HDR every phone camera now has. (By the way, Pixel doesn't have Optical image stabilisation. It doesn't need it with the new technique)
What is HDR
And another fun trivia about this approach is the fact that the camera has already taken the picture even before you click. Wait, What?
Yes, no typo here. As soon as the camera app is launched, the camera starts taking pictures one after the other. And when you click , What it does is just note down the time of the click. Then the software picks the images that it already took at that particular instant, some images before that and even some after that. I then blends all of them together and gives you a very nice shot that would have been impossible to capture with the hardware alone. Well, it is the key differentiator. I won't talk about anything else because I'm no reviewer.
Here is a video by the guy behind all this computational wizardry ,
It's a relatively old video. Still fun. Feel free to comment, follow, share this post
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