is a mobile manufacturer that a lot of analysts predicted would die out by
2020. Some of them still believe that. But I think blackberry is still a force
to reckon with. Especially when it’s current CEO John S Chen is called the turnaround
specialist. Still there is nothing much that a man can do to sell a product if it
is not good. Blackberry is lucky on this because it has one of the most refined
and secure mobile OS in its hand. This is the area we are going to concentrate
on today.
Blackberry’s current OS is
based on QNX a RTOS (Real Time Operating System). RTOS are used in situations where
the computations are to be done in real time, ie when you need to monitor many
variables and change many other things in real time. A flight autopilot is the
perfect example.
It is not just another version of Linux, in fact it’s not
even Linux. It is based on an entirely different concept called micro kernel. Kernel
is a low level software that speaks with the hardware directly. It’s the part
of code that deals with different drivers and stuff, like a core on which everything
else is built upon.
A traditional Linux kernel has all the drivers
and other supporting systems on the main kernel. It’s called a monolithic
design. Micro kernel is a kernel in which only the bare minimum of code required
to run the OS is maintained in the kernel and everything else is run as a
separate entity. This makes the total size of the kernel small and prevents the
kernel from freezing if anything happens to the “not so important part”. It is
this property that makes RTOS the choice of mission critical systems like
nuclear power plants. Because of the inherent “isolation” property, most government top secret computers run some
version of it.
The reason why I spent
this much time is to make you aware that blackberry 10+ OS is inherently more stable, responsive and secure
than any other mobile OS currently available period.
The stability factor is
made sure by some wise hardware choices too. Even though the specs seem a bit
low just remember the fact that micro kernels were designed to run on stripped
down hardware very efficiently. And blackberry haven’t compromised on RAM which
is the most important when It comes to preventing the force closing of apps. And
unlike android, the user interface is given some RAM reserved only for it. This
ensures that you don’t have to see some frozen UI when exiting from an app.
the blackberry Z3 have 1.5gb RAM and its more than enough because it is enough
for a lower resolution device.I don’t need to explain why security is a major concern
nowadays thanks to Edward Snowden.
The major concern of an
average customer is the number of apps the eco system have. This was an issue
even when there was an option to sideload android apps. The newer android
versions have some of the strategic google APIs provided by the Play services
app.( I have talked about it here)
Here begins the problem. Blackberry runs android
apps in a striped down version of AOSP(Android Open Source Project) inside a
virtual environment. But the Play services is not open source. So its not
included in AOSP. And you wont be able to run apps that depend on Play
services. This is a similar issue faced by amazon which runs another version of
AOSP on its kindle range of tablets and now, the fire phone. Amazon found a
workaround by providing counterparts for the missing android APIs.

So by getting
in a contract with amazon, blackberry can use even more apps than it could through the side loading approach (only if the APIs are also included in their deal.) Now the app problem is sorted out, you get a solid OS with very clean UI without unnecessary navigation buttons with the added security features blackberry is famous for and a very good keyboard. What else do you want?
in a contract with amazon, blackberry can use even more apps than it could through the side loading approach (only if the APIs are also included in their deal.) Now the app problem is sorted out, you get a solid OS with very clean UI without unnecessary navigation buttons with the added security features blackberry is famous for and a very good keyboard. What else do you want?
Hope you enjoyed
reading. Feel free to comment in the section below.
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