Mediatek recently launched the mt6595 chip with inbuilt LTE modem. It is the first octacore processor with cortex A17 and A7 in big.little configuration from the company. Cortex A17 sits between A9 and A15 when it comes to performance. The chip is capable of some serious tricks including slow motion HD video capture upto 480fps and support for 20mp camera. The benchmark scores are well above the current flagship's which means that some very capable Chinese phones are on its way that are easy on the budget too Other news you should read with this is the announcement of Android one . It is a new project put forth by Google to bring decent Android phones to the next billion customers in developing markets like India.(“The next billion” is a moniker used for the middle income customers which are more in number in developing countries) The companies complying with Android one will get reference designs from Google and the major benefit for the customers is the fact that it will be ...
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